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e d u c a t i o n   w i t h   c a i d y   b r a s u r e

A variety of classes are available with Caidy, both in person and digitally, to help you become the most successful hair artist possible. These classes include the following:

Bridal Formal Hair Designing

Bridal Business

Braiding for Beginners 

Intricate Braiding

To view a full list of upcoming classes with Caidy, please click the Education Opportunities link. Should you be interested in hosting Caidy for a class in your salon or scheduling one on one education, please email at

We look forward to connecting with you soon!

c l a s s   r e v i e w s

I am so happy I took Caidy’s Timeless Bridal Class! Caidy’s class was very intimate and interactive. I was able to walk away with the confidence to execute both styles that she taught, as well as implement several foundational techniques! Caidy was very insightful, not only with techniques and foundations, but with business and contractual advice. Our class asked her some pretty tough questions and she was able to answer them clearly and completely! 

I would highly recommend learning from Caidy. It is easy to see that she is well seasoned in her craft as a styling professional. 10/10


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